



That thing can be the hardest thing to do. EVER. Trust me, I know.

About five months ago, I got into a huge misunderstanding with my BFF.

I won’t go into details, but basically, for two months, I could not swallow my pride to apologize.

Me and my best friend avoided each other for TWO whole MONTHS. We were both miserable. Finally, one day, I swallowed my pride. I went up to her, and said, “I’m sorry.” Those two words fixed everything.

Sometimes it is so hard to swallow our pride and apologize.So here are a couple of tips to help you if you ever just can’t apologize.

Don’t wait. If you are waiting because you think it will be easier to apologize, it won’t. It will just get harder.

Pray. Pray to God to give you strength to apologize.

I know this was a very short post, but I have been super busy this past couple of weeks.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week, and that everything is going well for you.

In Christ,

chloe signoff

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