The Girls

anika joy signoff

(Manager . Contributor . Clubber)

Hello and welcome! I’m Anika, a 13-year-old INFP, professional procrastinator, and devout Christian. I am a devoted writer of stories and am continually coming up with new ideas for novels.

Writing for me started with making my own little books out of printer paper. Then came the short stories about dragons and princesses and little brave girls. When I started writing my first novel I was 12 years old.

Thanks for coming over and checking out our site. Enjoy!

Visit Anika’s personal blog over @ Anika Walkes

chloe signoff

(Engager . Contributor . Clubber)

Hey! I’m Chloe, a crazy, Christian tween girl who loves to write and read. I’m passionate about charity, and I am growing closer to God every day, thanks to the YLFC! Now, here’s my story. Just like Allie, the greatest day of my life was November 30th, 2016. We were both on our hangout, and we were all talking about our faith. And then Maris said, “Your time will come.” And just like Allie, a peace came over me. I couldn’t explain it, but Allie and I felt the same thing. And then I asked Jesus into my heart. I am so excited to be part of YLFC and grow stronger in my newfound faith.

You can visit Chloe’s personal blog @ Golden Feathers, Silver Clouds

Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 11.54.46 AM(Instagram Manager . Contributor . Clubber)

Hello there! My name is Eleanor and I’m a 13-year old on a mission to be a light for Christ in all that I do. First and foremost, I’m a child of God. I’ve been a Christian since I was four, but it wasn’t until some hard times struck me that I grew closer to God.

Secondly, I’m a ballet dancer. Dance is my passion and I can’t live without it. I love using dance as a way of expressing my love for Jesus or pointing others to Christ. I’ve been dancing for 10 years almost 14 hours a week, and I love it so much. When I’m not dancing or spending time with God, I’m  loving on my three younger siblings and my dog Teddy, writing blog posts, reading, and baking.

I’malso a homeschooler and my favorite subjects are math and science. I’m an introverted-extrovert and I love my friends. I am thrilled to be a part of YLFC and grow in my faith!

You can visit Eleanor’s personal blog @ Pointe To Christ

K.A. signoff

(Pinterest Manager . Contributor . Clubber) 

Hi, guys! I’m K.A! I’m 14 years old and I live on a farm. I love animals, I love my family, but most of all, I love my God and Lord, Jesus Christ. I own one horse, three fish, one dog  and two pot-bellied pigs. I raise Border collies and pigs and like training dogs and horses. During the summer I love to gather cattle for people using our dogs and horses. I also enjoy driving the four-wheeler around our place.

Ilove writing stories and expressing my gratefulness for blessings in my writing. I love drawing- even though it’s not a strong point- and many other crafty things. I wouldn’t say I’m amazing at tons of things, but I definitely have tons of hobbies and things I love to do. Although I love doing all these amazing things, one of the best things to do ever is to sit down with a blanket and some hot chocolate and read my bible. God is my Savior and King. And that will never change.

You can visit K.A’s personal blogs @ Cuddly Critters Blog and Bursts of Inspiration.


(Graphic Designer . Contributor . Clubber) 

Hello! My name is Nellye. I’m 20 years old and I’ve had the taste of suburb life and country life. So far, I’d have to say I’m far more fond of the country life! “So much scope for the imagination!” as Anne of Green Gables would put it.

Whether it’s a silly short story or a detailed report, I love to write it! I’ve been writing most of my life and when I figured out there were these lovely things called blogs where I could write to my heart’s content, I was quick to get one.

Reading is also something I’ve done since I was very young. As a little kid, I used to go to the library and pack a whole rolling suitcase full of books to take home with me and pore over. With books, one can learn new things and discover new places, which I’ve always enjoyed about reading. My top two favorite books are the Bible and “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard.

If you were to ask me what one of my very favorite things in all the world is, I would be quick to say “music.” I’ve been raised listening to music of all genres, including the oldies, a Capella, bluegrass/folk, hymns, and Christian contemporary. I wasn’t always so passionate about music, but throughout the years, God has placed some very special people in my life who have inspired my love for music to grow from a tiny spark to a burning flame.

Since I was a very little girl, I have been running around outside, enjoying the soft touch of grass on my bare feet, and the sweet smell of rain as clouds rolls in, and the sound of a stream bubbling over pebbles, and the taste of an apple freshly picked from a tree, and the sight of a night sky scattered with billions of stars. I guess that makes me outdoorsy, huh? Stargazing, hiking, sketching wildlife, birdwatching, spending time with all of our critters, watching the sunset, and taking long prayer walks are just a few things on my list of outdoorsy hobbies.

I strive to glorify God with all that I do, and if I was to have one goal in life, it would be to show the world that Jesus is worth it. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

You can visit Nellye’s personal blog @ SafeinthePotter’sHands.

emmaline's signoff

(Contributor . Clubber)

Hi! I’m Emmaline, and I live in San Antonio, Texas. I am 12, and I have 4 siblings. I love piano, horses, writing, and books. My favorite book is “The Lord of the Rings” by J. R. R. Tolkien. My favorite subject in school is literature class (I am home-schooled, by the way). I also like math and grammar. Some of my hobbies are crocheting, pressing flowers, and the occasional sketching.  I also like trying new hairstyles.

I have been a Christian since I was little, but am trying to learn and grow spiritually.

Thank you so much for reading! Have a wonderful day!


Hey! I’m Christina, a Christian tween who’s on a mission to spread the word of God to all creation (Mark 16: 15).  I’ve been a Christian since I was 4 years old, but only recently have hard situations that have drawn me closer to God.

I’m a Florida gal with two younger brothers, one younger sister, and a dog (let me just say I need a lot of patience and speed to keep up with everybody- XD). When I’m not doing online classes or homework, I’m blogging, reading, cleaning, writing, dancing the Macarena, or playing piano. I’m also a total Lord of the Rings fan and I love the Princess Bride- you need both of those in your life right now, so go google them.

If you asked me my life verse, I’d give you an entire bible. Since I can’t do that, I’ll just give you some of my favorites:

Galations 2:20A – “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

Colassians 3:17 – “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

And the entire chapter of Romans 8 (go read that, seriously!)

Have a great day!


27 thoughts on “The Girls”

  1. Maris, that’s funny, because I’m SO close to being taller than my older sister too!!! Haha! 😉 One of them.. I have two older sisters… I’m ALMOST taller than one of them though!! She always slouches when I’m near her so that she’s for sure shorter than me because she doesn’t want me to see! haha! 😉 😀 I love my sisters so much though! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. How did you guys become clubbers on YLFC? Is there like an application process or something? Just wondering…
    Also, I love the blog, and I enjoyed reading all the different bios. You guys are a great team! Keep writing for Him!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Kadie! Well, I started the blog, and got together some of my good friends to start a blog where we can grow in Christ together. I told them that they were welcome to invie friends of theirs to join the site too, and they did! I just asked the new members a few questions, and they became a part of YLFC!
      Thanks so much, Kadie! We all really appreciate that! We hope to!
      – Allie, founder of YLFC Club

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Wow I took sometime to read a little bit on each one of you. I am impressed with desires to serve Christ. Make sure you thank God first for his Love and your parents for the good seeds they planted in you. It is so hard to encourage young people in this generation to serve the Lord. I’m very pleased to see that there is still hope for humanity. Even though I’m older than you all by quite a few years it’s still nice that mustard seeds of faith go along way when produced in the people or person.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Can I join? I’ve been wanting to connect with other bloggers who love God just as much as me! I LOVE how you guys make everyone feel special and invited!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, Brooke! I’m reeaaally sorry but we’re not taking any more members at the time. But thanks for your interest! It’s amazing to see so many other people who love God so much.


    1. Hey, Christina! I’m so sorry but we’re not taking any more members in. But thanks for your interest! It’s truly awesome to see so many other people who love God so much. (And I’m so sorry it took so long to reply! I didn’t see this for some reason…)

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Eleanor! I’m sorry but we’re not currently taking more team members on. But thanks for your interest!! 😁😁 If you want, we’d love to have you submit a guest post or something if you wanted.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello!
    I am commenting to say how amazingly wonderfully sweet (I shall call this a proper sentence😄) and inspiring this blog is. I love this so much and I followed you all to hear more in the (i hope) soon future!
    Have a wonderful day!


    Liked by 2 people

  6. hey girls, it’s been a while. i was just going through all your websites, but found that has extremely graphic scenes that in no way represent christ. idk if she changed her site name or something, but please change the link if so. just wanted to let y’all know.

    Liked by 1 person

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