Courage, Faith, Sin, Thankfulness

3 Epic Ways to Make the Devil Scream “OH NO” Today {Guest Post by Madi Grace}


I live life every day wanting to be the type of young lady who, when my feet hit the floor in the morning, makes the devil scream “OH NO, SHE’S UP!”

And it’s not a hard thing to do. Today I have three simple, actionable ways guaranteed to bring you joy and bring the devil turmoil.

Also, at the end of this post, I have my absolute favorite way to kick the devil’s butt in a free, downloadable PDF you’re welcome to grab. That way alone has changed my life and took me from a radical pessimist to a radical optimist.


We all have problems. There’s no denying them or ignoring them.

Sometimes—most of the time, really—I’m tempted to vent about them. I just want to complain and be mad and it can take up my entire day if I let it.

But when we switch the focus, something happens. Fixing our eyes on Jesus instead of on our circumstances not only gives us joy, but it makes the devil infuriated. If he can get you focused on everything going wrong, he’ll get you depressed and living swayed by emotion.

Instead, start praising the God Who makes a way out of all that and turns everything around for His good!

When you release praise into the atmosphere, you release stuff the devil and all of hell can’t stand.


I hold the keys of death and the grave.

(Revelation 1:18)

He made a public example of [the devil], having triumphed over him through the cross.

(Colossians 2:15)

Rub that all up in his face. The devil thought he had Jesus. He thought he had won. He thought people could be enslaved by sin forever.

But… nope! Now he’s nothing but a skinny little chihuahua acting like a big rottweiler. In fact, on Judgement Day, everyone’s going to look at the devil and go what? This is the guy behind all the bad? Are you kidding me? He’s a freakin’ pipsqueak! (Isaiah 14:16)

So rub that all in his face. Remind him how defeated and weak he is, and glorify the One who defeated him.

Never let him forget that Jesus now lives inside of you. You’re an unstoppable force ready to more-than-conquer your way through this life and do a wrecking-ball amount of damage to his kingdom of darkness!


How many of us want to follow God’s will for our lives?

*raises hand*

How many of us what to follow the devil’s will for our lives?

*puts hand down*

I have a very simple theology. It can be summed up in four words.

Good = God. Bad = devil.

Think God’s good will for your life is better than the devil’s wicked one?


Nothing makes me madder than asking someone to do something and watch them do the exact opposite.

Ever don’t know what to do? Think of what the devil would want you to do and do the exact opposite.

Does he want you to believe every negative thought that comes your way until you’re a crying, crumpled heap on the floor?

Nope. Don’t do it. That’s happened to me more times than I can count. Tears are the devil’s trophy, and I’ll never give him the satisfaction of displaying them on my face out of despair again.

Not today, devil. Not now, not ever again.

The last thing the devil wants you to do is turn to God for your happiness. So do that! The joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)

And when God’s got our backs, something tells me things are not only going to be okay, but amazing. After all,

The path of the righteous … shines brighter and brighter.

(Proverbs 4:18)

We’re only going up from here.

Making the devil scream “OH NO, SHE’S UP!” when our feet hit the floor in the morning is just way more fun than buying into his lies.

Huge thanks to the ladies here at YLFC for letting me guest post today! This blog is the bomb. ♥

If you want an additional way to kick the devil’s butt—one that has changed my life and I think will change yours too—click here to download the PDF! The truth in this guide transformed me from a radical pessimist finding the cloud for every silver lining to a radical optimist living the most abundant life free of depression and defeat.

How are you planning to cause problems for the devil today? If you’re having a rough day, believe me, this is one of the best remedies.

grace madiMadison Grace is a blogger, writer, doll collector, and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In addition to traveling and speaking to youth, she blogs about living an undefeated lifestyle at, professional doll collecting at, and writing excellent moral fiction at

30 thoughts on “3 Epic Ways to Make the Devil Scream “OH NO” Today {Guest Post by Madi Grace}”

  1. That first one, bro. My pastor says, “Don’t look at God through your problems, look at your problems through God.” Which reminds me of a song…

    When compared to God
    Everything’s small
    There’s no giant that compares it all
    To the Holy One Who sits upon His Throne
    So when you come to face
    A mountain so high
    One glimpse of God brings it down to size
    Satan will flee
    You’ll gain victory
    When you compare it to God

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s such a true song! Putting things into perspective makes me realize how seriously tiny our problems are compared to the awesomeness of God. XD Thanks for commenting, Kirstyn!


  2. Rubbing stuff in Satan’s face is fun! Jesus already defeated you, Satan, HA!
    This was really helpful, Madi, and great job! 😃


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