Purifying the Mind, Body, and Spirit

Purifying the Mind, Body, and Spirit with our: Choices


Good day, girlies!

Welcome to post #2 of my series for girls: Purifying the Mind, Body, and Spirit. Last time we talked about our Friendships, and today we are going to be talking about our Choices.

Making the right choices can be very hard sometimes. It can be very easy sometimes, as well. Just recently, I made a choice that will most likely affect my friendship and my future. It was really hard, but I do not regret it at all.

About three months ago, we switched churches. My family liked the church that we went to, but that was all. We just liked it. We didn’t feel like we belonged there, like God was leading us to go to that specific church. So, we switched to a different church, and we are much happier there. I feel like we really belong in that group of people, and that we can get the most out of the sermons, and fellowship at this church.

The new church (Faith) also has a Youth Group. I wanted to go to Faith’s Youth Group, but I already went to the other church’s Youth Group. I was torn between feeling at home at Faith’s Youth Group, or staying with my friend in the other Youth Group.

My friend at the other Youth Group, let’s just call her Sarah, well, Sarah didn’t want me to go to a different Youth Group than her. She wants to be by my side every second of the day. And, it gets really annoying. She pouts if I don’t do what she wants, and she even dropped out of going to the lake with our Youth Group because I got sick and couldn’t go. Overall, she’s clingy. She is still my friend, but Sarah is a bit clingy.

After much debating, I chose to go to Faith’s Youth Group. I knew that I wanted to go there, and not to the other one. No matter how many great friends I had at the other Youth Group, I feel like God really lead me to choose Faith. I do not regret that choice – and that’s how I know that I made the right choice.

There have been many times where I have made the wrong choices (I won’t get into all that right now). And, the truth is, I regret those choices. A lot.

So, how do we know when we’ve made the right choices? We don’t regret them. We benefit from them. And how do we know when we’ve made the wrong choices? They haunt us until we have the courage to kneel down and ask God to forgive us for making them.

Always think before you make a big choice. Pray and ask God for guidance before you make a choice, and if it is His will, it will be done.

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14 thoughts on “Purifying the Mind, Body, and Spirit with our: Choices”

      1. Cool! I love the font, but I’m guessing it costs money….uh. I’ll just have to stick to my Photoshop fonts. They’re pretty cool to..plus, I can draw my own…with mush practice.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. thanks!! Me too. Actually, they do not cost money. The stock site is free, so is the photo editor, and you can download the fonts at dafont.com. I use it all the time. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. ooh, nice! I’ve been wanting to find a more ‘unique’ look for my blog, and sort of a theme font…so maybe I’ll find one!

        Liked by 1 person

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